ELYFI Forum Policy
Purpose of the forum
The ELYFI forum is a vital part of the ELYFI governance system and is intended to nurture its ecosystem. As part of the ‘Off-chain cycle’, the forum is a place where participants are free to propose and discuss initiatives, and resources and information are shared so that anyone can play an active role in the development and growth of the ELYFI ecosystem.
Be open and act in good-faith during discussions
Respect each other and be polite
Be sincere about the well-being and development of ELYFI
General User Group: All users belong to this group, and Trust Level is divided according to the level of community activity.
Lending-Company Group: As a collateral group, users in the group can create NFT Approvement Proposals (NAP).
Helper Group: A helper group that helps forum operations for off-chain governance.
Trust Level
Trust Level 0: All new members receive this rating.
Trust Level 1: Members with the corresponding trust level can reply to the topic.
Trust Level 2: Members with this trust level can write ELYFI Improvement Proposals (ELYIP).
Trust Level 3: There is no big difference in authority compared to Trust Level 2. However, you can be considered a trusted member because you can only get promoted to Trust Level 3 only if you are active in the forum.
Trust Level 4: Some of the members with Trust Level 3 may be promoted to Trust Level 4 by some helpers. Compared to Trust Level 3, there is no significant difference in authority.
Introduction to Roles and Permissions by Category
ELYFI Forum operates under three categories: NAP, ELYIP, and Notice.
NFT Approvement Proposals (NAP) Category
The NAP category is a space for submitting and reviewing NFT Approvement Proposals. It consists of three subcategories: RFV, Verification, and Archive.
Request for Proposals (RFV)
This is a category in which the lending company group prepares the NAP. In order to obtain a loan from the ELYFI protocol, the lending companies writes a proposal to approve the NFT that they own as collateral that can be used in ELYFI. The proposer must write a proposal according to the NFT template, and the Helper reviews whether the proposal is written according to the template and there are no typos, assigns a NAP number, and submits the proposal to the Verification stage.
This is the stage where community members verify the NAP. Members with a trust level of Trust Level 1 or higher can discuss the proposal and participate in polls. The verification period of the NAP is one day, after which the off-chain governance related to the NFT ends, and the on-chain voting process begins. Also, the thread is moved to the Archive category by the helper.
This is a category to record discussions and poll results related to proposals.
ELYFI Improvement Proposals(ELYIP)
The ELYIP category is a space to submit suggestions for improvement of the ELYFI ecosystem and receive feedback from community members. It consists of three subcategories: RFCP, Comment and Poll, and Archive.
Request for Comment and Poll (RFCP)
This is a space to write a proposal for improvement of the ELYFI protocol or the ecosystem. Any member of Trust Level 2 or higher can write a proposal. The proposer must write a proposal according to the ELYIP template, and the Helper reviews whether the proposal is written according to the template and there are no typos, assigns an ELYIP number, and submits the proposal in the Comment and Poll stage.
Comment and Poll
Community members verify ELYIP. Members with Trust Level 1 or higher can discuss the proposal and participate in polls. Discussion and polling periods are up to one month. Since there is no on-chain governance of ELYIP in the current version, the governance process is completed by the Helper responding to the [Notice > ELYIP Response] category for proposals that have received high interest and consent from community members.
This is a category to record discussions and poll results related to proposals.
A space to introduce forums or share news with members. It consists of subcategories Welcome!, Updates, Governance Status, and ELYIP Response.
This category welcomes new community members. It introduces the purpose and rules of the forum, and is a space for new members to sign up.
This is a space to share announcements related to development, blog post upload, events, and roadmaps to members.
Governance Status
This is a space that informs the progress and results of polls or votes on proposals.
ELYIP Response
This is a space to respond to issues that have received high interest and consent from ELYIP.
Last updated
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